Churcherdo is born.
Twas the ‘Caps first match of the 2016-17 CONCACAF Champions League as the boys in blue traveled 4,000,000,0000,000,000,000,000 billion kilometres (or approximately 18 times around the circumference of the earth) to finally arrive in Trinidad & Tobago.
But it was not in Trinidad where Churcherdo was born. It was right here, in our hearts, and on the interweb.
The match was streamed through Facebook, as all CCL matches are in Canada this year (give it a try – next match is on Tuesday, September 13). And it was through the night’s commentator that Churcherdo emerged.
A few innocent mispronunciations came about. But no opportunity for humour is ever safe from the always poignant (?) observations of one Mike Martignago. The host of Off The Pitch(give it a listen) was quick to capitalize on a stumble from the commentator after the game’s only goal from Cristian Techera (note the “ch” and “er” sounds) and Erik Hurtado (note the “ur” and “do”). And so they ended up combined into one cult hero.
And so began the tale of “Churcherdo”.
But this is not a myth. He doesn’t hide in the darkest corners of Grouse Mountain, or deep in Okanagan Lake. Churcherdo is real.
In two CCL matches, Churcherdo has accounted for four goals and two assists. In fact, two of those goals were all Churcherdo (Hurtado to Techera). Check out the highlights from last night below to see Churcherdo in top form.
Will we see more of Churcherdo?
You’ll just have to watch this weekend to find out (Saturday, 7:30 p.m. on TSN, or listen on TSN 1040).

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