Last week we witnessed Whitecaps FC manager of fan services Brittany Nicholson, Moe Brody and her crew at Harbour Dance Centre, teach Jay Demerit how to tap dance. This week 'Caps supporter Kristjan Aug takes Jordan Harvey off the pitch (literally) for a one-on-one flying lesson over the beautiful city of Vancouver, British Columbia.
In the capable hands of Pacific Flying Club, who are located in Delta, BC, Harvey took to the air, learned the art of flight, and even got to help in landing the plane.
We're asking you, our fans, to share your job or hobby with us.
To enter your idea, simply tweet it to @WhitecapsFC using the hashtag #OffThePitch and you could get a ‘Caps player off the field and involved in your favourite activity or job.
Tweet us now @WhitecapsFC with the hashtag #OffThePitch.