The British Columbia Soccer Association (BCSA) is pleased to launch its newest program, Kickin’ Five-a-Side@55 at the False Creek Community Centre, October 28th.
False Creek is located at 1318, Cartwright Street, Granville Island in Vancouver. Honourable Wally Oppal, Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Multiculturalism, Vancouver Whitecaps president Bob Lenarduzzi, and Mary Collins, who is director for the BC Healthy Living Secretariat, will be in attendance.
12:00 Noon: (Lind Hall, False Creek Community Centre)
Steve Reed, President, BCSA
Honouorable Wally Oppal, Attorney General
Bob Lenarduzzi, President, Whitecaps
Bjorn Osieck, Executive Director, BCSA
Nicole Yamanaka; Presentation, demonstration of Boomer Boot Camp
Mark Parker, BCSA Staff Coach, Introduction, Kickin’ Five-a-Side@55
Demonstration of Kickin’Five-a-Side@55
1:00 pm: Lunch served for presenters and participants
Kickin’ Five-a-Side@55 is a program under development by BCSA specifically to bring the healthy, team activity of Futsal, Five-a-Side indoor soccer to adults 55 years of age and older and is in partnership with 2010 Legacies Now and ActNow’s Boomer Bootcamp program of conditioning adults for various activities. It is in keeping with BCSA’s Mission: Developing the game by inspiring British Columbians to lifelong active, inclusive and team play.
“The small-sided game that is used to develop soccer skills has allowed us to bring the many benefits of soccer into community centre gyms for older adults to take part in during daytime hours,” said BC Soccer executive director Bjorn Osieck.
“We are working with ActNow and Boomer Bootcamp to stress the need for overall conditioning before beginning a new activity,” he explained. “We hope that this new approach to fitness through active, inclusive play brings a new lifestyle choice to the Boomers and also serves as a prototype for other sports in BC.”