Colin's Keys to power past Pacific FC


Tune in on matchdays for an hour long pre-match show, play-by-play broadcast and post-match show, live at and Wednesday's pre-match show kicks off at 6:30 p.m. PT.

Here are Colin's Keys for the first leg of the 'Caps Canadian Championship semifinal clash at Pacific FC.

Get your tickets to the second leg on August 27 at BC Place


This will not be an easy match.

We learned that in 2021.

We must be ready for Pacific's energy right from the start.

Don't overplay

This is a cup match, and crazy things can happen.

Don't overplay in the wrong areas.

Play quick and play forward.

Keep it clean at the back, and clinical at the front

Remember, this is a two-leg series. Away goals count.

From front to back, we need to press and be clinical in counter attacks.

They leave spaces.