Getting to know, presented by GE Appliances: Ali Adnan

Getting to Know - Adnan

He's the pride of Iraq and one of the most interesting characters on the team.

In the latest edition of Getting to Know, presented by GE Appliances, we hear from left back Ali Adnan. 

Who was your favourite soccer player growing up?

Roberto Carlos.

If you weren’t a soccer player, what do you think you would be?

Anything to help my family!

What’s go-to favourite spot in Vancouver?

Social Corner and Baghdad Café.

What's your favourite TV show?

I love watching Turkish TV.

What’s your most commonly visited website or app? 


If you had a choice, who would play you in a movie of your life?

The Rock.

Have you ever had any unique or interesting nicknames?


What’s the biggest challenge you had to go through in your life or career?

When Inbeom left (laughs).

What are you most proud of?

Playing for the Iraqi national team.

What’s your most treasured memory? 

When I scored against Vietnam.

What song would you sing at karaoke?

O Canadaaaaaa.

Who do you look up to?

My mom.